Lab Principles
Diversity and inclusion are intrinsically valuable and are valued by our lab.
You are not only welcome in our lab - you belong here. Many agree that diversity and inclusion achieved through equitable practices can improve scientific productivity. Our lab values these principles not only because of what they provide but more so because they are inherently right and morally just.
As lab members, we commit to a culture of active inclusion and acceptance by (1) recognizing implicit biases and privileges that produce inequitable opportunities, (2) educating ourselves on approaches to remove barriers to entry and success in the sciences, and (3) implementing these practices to become better scientists and better people.
The lab fully supports the UCI Department of Chemistry’s Statement of Community and encourages all members to participate in departmental and university-wide initiatives and outreach programs.
Mentorship is a personalized, evolving, and unconditional process.
As mentors, we are entrusted with the immense privilege to guide burgeoning scientists. This is true not only within the formalized relationship between PI and students but also between all lab members when new coworkers arrive. To make the most of our experiences in the lab, we must be clear with both ourselves and others about our expectations.
For students, a great starting point is the UCI Chemistry pre-IDP self evaluation. These broad questions about your goals for graduate school and the future help to shape mentoring and clarify what to expect out of your time in the lab. These ideas will be formalized in your IDP, which we will discuss one-on-one annually. This also helps you to establish a stronger relationship with your committee members, who must sign off on the form as well.
But your future plans are of course not written in stone. Just as our hypotheses can change with new information, so too can our goals evolve. That is great! Know that I will support you in whatever path you choose for your future. Our lab and our work is built upon all of our contributions and trajectories, and we share in that success together.
Personal health is key to our success.
Scientific progress can be difficult, and our work is often met with more failures than successes. On top of that, life can throw curve balls at us at any time, which together can lead to poor mental health, fatigue, and burnout. We must constantly remind ourselves that our well-being is paramount.
All lab members are welcome to speak with me about any frustrations or other issues they are facing, and we will work together to find the best solution. If anyone is uncomfortable speaking with me directly, UCI also offers many other outlets to promote and ensure your well-being.
Learning is an ongoing and lifelong practice.
Being in a chemical biology lab, we are challenged to be both experts in the chemistry that underlies our approaches and the biology to which we apply them. This is no easy task. Fortunately, we have many opportunities to bridge this gap. The lab encourages students to audit formal courses outside of the Chemistry Department that are integral to their research, and all lab members are expected to regularly attend seminars within and outside of the department.
Learning is also fostered by interacting with other scientists. By participating in collaborations and presenting at conferences, we not only expand our knowledge of the field but also increase our professional network for future opportunities.
Practical skills are just as important to acquire as technical skills. The UCI Graduate Division offers resources for professional development throughout the career of graduate students and postdoctoral scholars, and all lab members should join the GPS-STEM program.